A special formulated antioxidant product which is designed to protect against the free radicals.
               Everyday we are exposed to free radicals through many ways such as environment pollutants such as automobile and truck exhaust, pesticides, herbicides, industry chemicals, chlorine in the water and many mores. Even our lifestyle such as stress, poor diet, smoking and drinking alcohol, using mobile phone and watching TV can create free radicals in our body. No matter where we live and how careful we are, there is no way that we can avoid it.
               Free radicals are atoms with single missing electrons, which cause cellular damage by taking electrons from molecules in healthy cells.
               Scientists have estimated that every cell in the body suffers 10,000 free radical “hits” each day. Over a 70 years life span, we can experience up to about 17 tons of free radicals.
Many research also shows that overload of free radicals can cause the following health conditions;
  •  Accelerating the aging process.
  • The deterioration of the eye lens.
  • Trigger the inflammation of the joints.
  • Cause damage to nerve cells in the brain, which contribute to Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease.
  • Suppress the body immune system.
  • Increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Can virtually cause all cancers.

1 sachet with water stir briskly to dissolve to mixture and drink it in the morning or in the evening.      
