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What is HGH?
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is often called the 'Fountain of
Youth' hormone that is produced by the pituitary gland located at the lower
part of the brain. HGH is also a very complex hormone that is made up of 191
amino acids chain. HGH is produced naturally by the body as we grow and serves
as a major hormone to regulate cell growth and function
and HGH
Common changes in
the human body usually occur because if aging process. We all can recognize the
process of aging when we are able to notice some of these symptoms.
- Wrinkles
- Faster aging
- Diminishing eyesight
- Grey hair
- Skin problems
- Low stamina
- Sleep difficulties
- Disease problems
- Emotional breakdown
- Lack of muscle tone
- Joint problems
- Hair thinning
- Diabetes problems
- Poor memory power
- High cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides
- Slow healing wounds
- Cellulite problem
- Low/high blood pressure
- Decreased sexual function
- Increased body fat
- Stroke and osteoporosis
These are just a few of the obvious manifestations of aging that
can be prevented. The good news is the clinical studies which demonstrate that
by increasing Human Growth Hormone (HGH) level, it may reverse our biological
clock to be years younger with full of vitality.
2 ความคิดเห็น:
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